Rumor has it, Seattle hasn’t had a sunny day since November 30. Add to this that you may have taken a side trip instead of stayed the main course on your 2020 intentions and life can feel…...Read More
Many stories describe this shape as the stance Virabhadra took as he drew his sword to remove the head of his enemy. As anyone knows who has ever done the pose, there is a balance between the sh...Read More
Welcome to 2020! Let’s keep the festivities rolling with some good tunes while you take a few turns on your yoga mat. Just in case you want to bring it down a notch…...Read More
Oh summer… you are fading fast. Good thing the music never really fades. It was challenging putting together playlists this month… so there are few. Hope it keeps you moving on and off you...Read More
As we settle deeply into fall with cooler, shorter days, it’s a great time to reflect on the year. I’m always humbled that you show up each week and allow me to lead me through your prac...Read More
There’s a chill in the air and good tunes flowing out of studios. Roll out your mat and let the music flow. Be sure to check out my schedule so we can connect! ...Read More
Your feet: they take you everywhere yet rarely receive any attention or appreciation… unless you’ve injured them! I started yoga thanks to a solid foot injury. With a lot of PT and permission ...Read More
In Seattle, we’ve made it to the heart of the rainy season. The days are just enough longer to fill us with the hope that summer will be here soon. Let this month’s tunes keep you movi...Read More
It’s almost too cold to feel change in the air… but it’s there! Whether you make resolutions or not, we can feel shifts in goals and dreams. The yoga for change playlist just mig...Read More